Thursday, November 20, 2008

Testing my poetry skills

I miss heartbreak

In it’s severe awkward nature
I miss heartbreak
The feeling that reminds you of love and its existence
With thorn-like stings in your heart
The desperate gasps for air
For sanity…for sanctuary…
The 8th wonder of the world,
That leaves you in a state of awe
How some other than the almighty could have so…
So…much dominion over your soul
And walk into the dark of the night,
Not looking back
Without a blink
Wink or thought
And never reminisce…review or regret
That rude awakening
That makes young girls eccentric
And drive young women into a state of self-seeking
I miss heartbreak
Because of my insecurity
It eats me
Kills me
I’m in love and it hurts
It hurts because I’ve anticipated heartache
Awaited pain and the agony associated with it
Running out of time
Bag of tricks empty
Nothing left
Noting comprehendible
Your time is up, yet you don’t leave
What do you want? Why are u still here?
Nothing to see
Go away
Seems almost impossible
Why are you so good to me?
What?! Why?!
You see, people like me are not meant to be loved
People like me live on heartbreak
People like me survive on hurt
Headache, backache, heartache…as long as it aches
Yet you soothe me
I don’t want that! Don’t want to get comfortable
I’m a LIAR...u said it!
So why are you still here?
There’s no future here
No offsprings
No loyalty
No love
But you still persist
You still hold on
I miss my heartache
I miss my heartbreak
I want it back
Just as a rude-awakening
That which I am accustomed and well familiar with…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a very good work..i can relate to put it down better than i would have expressed myself.bravo!